Saturday, January 17, 2009


HEHE...lets continue our story bout peoples in nick..1st tym im joining irc nick ne la yg dgn braninya trus pm aku..ahahhaa...n everytym aku on irc blik2 jgk dia reminds spya join chnnel dia #xoxoxo..unfortunately.i olwez 4got bout his chnnel..hehee..i admit dat he's olwez looking 4 me..pggil2 tp kdg2 aku x lyn dia..ahahha..jaat kn...bukan his channel moved to #classic...dia..erm,x jgak byk sgt yg aku taw tntg dia..yg aku taw he can speak in 3 languages..which are sarawak,chinese n english..klu malay 2 smua pun pndai kn...n plg penting dia taw msk..just imagine,its hard to find a guy who can cook in this modern century..oopss,i,most of da hotels chef ialah da point is pompuan take over lelaki pnya kerja n beg2 jgk sebaliknya...hahahaha..makin moden makin menjadi2 bdk la ne termasuk dlm category 2 jgk..he's a better chef i,i mean excellent..he's got diploma taw..wah3,okla 2..but now,we're getting closer..maybe just as a friend..he's such nice n caring person..oya,i 4got to tell u ol..ahhahaa..lizzy's<---macaronie pnya bini d irc...hhehe..men2 jak bha..jgn percya ckp aku ne..k..dats ol bout him..hope he dun mind if i say sumthing yg maybe buat him x slesa... ;p


  1. haluuuu babe..sapa suru babe tulis psl beh neh...mara nie!! hehehe..bgs jg ba 2..skurang2nya fofular jg beh nie..anyways tq for the post..n i notice im the 1st to post u a comment and i hope im the last..hehe..joking..take k babe..

  2. Hahaha! and one thing i wanna add here.. his my 'anak' in IRC.. He call me 'bapak' coz he told me that my nick mcm nama bapa dia.. Anak jajal yg selalu minta duit, membankrupt kan mak bapak~! Hahaha! Kidd-Kidd-Kidding~ N-way.. Gud lak my son~! and Gud lak to u too Sis Trisya~

    ~world thinker kali ni~

  3. adeeeehhhh daling...
    jgn bilang lizzy<---bini ba nanti marah galpren nya...duii nanti sa inda femes o bebeh...

