Saturday, January 17, 2009

ANGKOL KORN!!!! its turn 4 boys...ehhee
ermm..angkol korn...he's different dr yg len..he welcomed me in kk chnnel..
first,mmg x rapat sgt..till 1 day he pm me...then we have sum chit chat..lats,i decided to call him angkol because his age yg tua than me...n i should respect him...klu mo tgkp PTI just tell angkol korn then let him to do the rest..heheee..erm,angkol ne best d bwa citer..sporting n he cames out with so many ideas n advices..n msuk otak jgk la stiap nasihat dia..n we do talked bout love..mcm mana kami 2 putus cinta..hahahaha..lucu tp touching..hehehe..n mmg angkol byk dgar mslh aku..he said 'ko masi muda lg..masi jauh lg perjalanan ko..jgn biarkn cinta mghalang kejayaan ko'..dats true angkol..two thumbs up for u...hehee..kdg2 kita perlu dptkn nasihat dr yg matang..yala,umur aku ne mcm jagung yg baru d rebus blum ckup umur..clap ari bulan jagung 2 x sedap,manis n cantik jika x d jga dgn baik kn..hehhehehe....he's just lyk my second father..oopsss..bapa yg muda la..hahahaha..angkol,jgn mara..coz i give title 'aangkol' 2 u so cm papa la 2..hehee..he tought me dat love is not duppa angkol!!!heheehe..n angkol plg ensom<---promot dlu knen..ehhehehe.. ;p

1 comment:

  1. wew`~! duii bha...hehehehhe..kambang plak sy ni taw...jeng je jeng.......anyway, thanx 4 writing bout me..hehe`~!
